Our Approach

Everybody can reduce their risk for injury by correcting and building upon a strong athletic foundation. As you train, your body’s natural movement will impact your athletic performance (and may impede it). Allow us to unleash your athletic potential with our comprehensive approach to assessing dysfunctional patterns, screening primal movement, and creating your training blueprint. By focusing on the foundation in your own body, you will feel stronger, faster.

The Full-body philosophy


reducE injury risk



We want you to move better, perform better, and have a good time in the process.

We strive to provide the highest quality sports physical therapy and performance training by emphasizing functional movement to maximize sports performance and reduce injury risk for athletes of all types and ages.


We want our training philosophy to impact the entire region and reduce the risk for injury and athletic re-injury.


At the Elite Performance Institute, we believe that bodies that move better, will perform better, and feel better. By focusing on the fundamentals of core muscular movement, athletes will have healthier and faster routes to elite performance.

Everyone can develop atypical movement patterns, called “movement dysfunction.” (For example, a pitchers experience reduced shoulder girdle mobility, and anyone develops acute back pain without proper posture.) When athletes lack fundamental movement, it not only increases their risk for injury, but also stunts their progress in performance training and on the field.

We will pave the way for a new standard of care for physical therapy and sports performance in Washington County and the surrounding areas by providing an elite level service, attention to detail, 1 on 1 physical therapy treatment, and individualized performance training to help you achieve your goals faster. Utilizing our expertise in the fields of sports physical therapy and athletic performance allows us to provide the most comprehensive programming available, helping you to maximize your performance while minimizing your risk for injury. 

If we do our jobs right, you will move better, feel better, and have a good time in the process.